GNM programme is meant to prepare general nurses who can efficiently perform as members of the health team and capable of dealing the competencies in both the hospitals and other such organizations.
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B.Sc. Nursing
The Degree in Bachelor of Science, Nursing or B.Sc. Nursing is a four years professional course offered under Faculty of Nursing & Para-medical Sciences. The course curriculum lays emphasis on the reinstatement of health.
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Prasanna Insitute of Nursing Educatin and Research has been Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka, Karnataka Nursing Council and Indian Nursing Council and Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka.
In keeping with the spirit of independence and the euphoria it generated, Sri Gangadhara Gowda felt that he had to contribute to the much needed growth of our country. He believed that education has to be the solid base on which India should build its socio-political and economic edifice. Without adequate opportunities for professional education the ambitions and talents of many bright students were nipped in the bud. It is against this backdrop, for furthering the cause of professional education.