B.Sc Nursing
Duration : 3 Years
Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka and Karnataka Nursing Council
This program of study leads to a B.Sc. Nursing Degree offered by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore. The Candidates who opt for nursing are necessarily required to possess high motivation towards Nursing Profession, they should possess special qualities of a spirit of altruism, commitment and dedication to work with a high level of maturity. The academic year commences from the first week of Sept. every year.
40 students are admitted to this course. The students are provided with clinical experience as per the requirements.
They are also providing with advanced clinical experience in all clinical areas to enable the students to take up the first level positions in Nursing Education and Practice. This Programme provides the necessary foundation to take up post graduate and doctoral studies in Nursing.
The Nurses after having completed the 3 years and 6 months of GNM courses will be:
- The main aim of the course is to provide student nurses with opportunity to gain both theoretical knowledge and practical nursing experience in a wide variety of nursing situations.
- Train the student in the art and skill of meeting mental, physical and emotional and spiritual needs of patients and interpret intelligently.
- Apply scientific principles of knowledge in providing comprehensive health care service (Preventive, Promotive, Curative, Rehabilitative and Spiritual) to individuals and groups in a hospital and community Demonstrate leadership skills in working as a health team member in the community to provide a good health care.
- Gain knowledge of health resources in the family, community and country and to render primary health care service in community health centers.
All Courses Idea
The candidates should have completed 17 years on or before 31st day of December of the year of admission. Candidates should be medically fit.
Duration of the Course
Duration of the course shall be four completed years including clinical training of 24 weeks.
Medium Of Instruction
English shall be the medium for the course as well as for the examination.
Sl. No. | Subject | Theory | Practical Clinical Hours | Hours |
1 | English | 60 | ||
2 | Anatomy | 60 | ||
3 | Physiology | 60 | ||
4 | Nutrition | 60 | ||
5 | Biochemistry | 30 | ||
6 | Nursing Foundation | 265+250 | 450 | |
7 | Psychology | 60 | ||
8 | Microbiology | 60 | ||
9 | Introduction to Computers | 60 | ||
10 | Kannada | 60 | ||
11 | Library work/Self-study | 50 | ||
12 | Co-curricular activities | 50 | ||
Total | 930 | 450 | 100 | |
Total Hours 1480 Hrs |
Sl. No. | Subject | Theory | Practical Clinical Hours | Hours |
1 | Socialogy | 60 | ||
2 | Pharamacology | 45 | ||
3 | Pathology | 30 | ||
4 | Genetics | 15 | ||
5 | Medical surgical nursing (Adult including geriatrics) |
210 | 720 | |
6 | Communicational health nursing | 90 | 135 | |
7 | Communicational and Educational technology | 60+30 | ||
8 | Library work/self-study | 50 | ||
9 | Co-curricular activities | 35 | ||
Total | 540 | 855 | 85 | |
Total Hours 1480 Hrs |
Sl. No. | Subject | Theory | Practical Clinical Hours | Hours |
1 | Medical surgical nursing (Adult including geriatrics) II |
120 | 270 | |
2 | Child health Nursing | 90 | 270 | |
3 | Mental health nursing | 90 | 270 | |
4 | Mental health nursing | 90 | 180 | |
5 | Library work/Self-study | 50 | ||
6 | Co-curricular activities | 50 | ||
Total | 390 | 990 | 100 | |
Total Hours 1480 Hrs |
Sl. No. | Subject | Theory | Practical Clinical Hours | Hours |
1 | Midwifery and obstetrical Nursing | nil | 180 | |
2 | Community health nursing-II | 90 | 135 | |
3 | Nursing research & Statistics | 45 | Project | |
4 | Management of Nursing Service and education |
60+30 | ||
Total | 225 | 315 | ||
Total Hours 540 Hrs |
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- Clinical training means 8 hours of integrated Clinical duties in which 2 weeks of evening and night shift duties are included.
- Clinical training should be carried out as 8 hours per day @48 hours per week.
- Students during clinical training will be supervised but nursing teachers.
- Students will be eligible to appear in the 4th year final examination only after completion of clinical training.
- Attendance: A minimum of not less than 80% attendance in theory or practical/clinical separately in each subject in academic year is essential for appearing for the examination. A Candidate pursuing the course shall study in the college for the entire period as a full time student. No candidate permitted to work in a hospital/nursing home/laboratory/college while undergoing this course. No candidate should join any other course of study or appear for any other examination conducted by this university or any other examination conducted by this university or any other university in India or Abroad during the period of registration. Each academic year shall be taken as a unit for calculating the attendance.
Hostel facility is provided for students. They have to dine from the mess of the hostel and share the mess expense. They have to keep their hostel clean. It is not advisable to keep the valuables inside the hostel. The management will not take any responsibility for the loss or theft of valuables. Jewels and ornaments are not permitted inside the hospital of hostel.
Nursing profession which demands altruistic service from its members exacts self-discipline at a personal level and general discipline in the campus. Therefore:
- Regular attendance as well as punctuality is expected from the students at lectures, demonstrations, practical, field work and other such academic exercises as well as in clinical experiences. They are require to attend the allotted working periods in each of the prescribed Subjects. Time missed from clinical experience for reasons other than permitted sick leave (10days) must be made up after completion of each academic year.
- Students are also required to present themselves modest, meat and tidy in their dress avoiding exaggerated fashions.